Differential privacy

What is Differential Privacy?

Definition, Framework 

Privacy Threats

Membership Disclosure

Being able to tell that a person is in (or not in) a dataset.  It impact confidentiality.

Identity Disclosure

Being able to tell the identity of the person to whom the record corresponds (anonymity)

Attribute  Disclosure

Being able to tell that a person has a specific (sensitive) attribute

Attribute  Disclosure

Being able to tell that a person has a specific (sensitive) attribute

Inference Threat

Being able to tell something new (undisclosed) about a person

Privacy by design

Privacy principles need to be built into everyday operations.  These should shift the burden of protecting private information from individual users and consumers to business entities.   Privacy. by design has been accepted internationally e.g. GDPR and USA has special regulations related to it.

Privacy Principles

Other things to consider

Privacy Paradox

What information people consider private?

How much value people give to Privacy?

How do people manage privacy uncertainty?

what is ideal privacy vs practical?

What survey method and information collection method are appropriate?

Information asymmetry

Privacy Summary

Privacy Design

Privacy design should  consider following

Privacy Tools

Privacy protect from internal employees

Workshop Agenda

Sure, here is an agenda for a 2-week class on differential privacy for business and technical users:

Week 1

Week 2